Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Philosophy of Science

A. Understanding Philosophy of Science

To understand the meaning and philosophy of science, under this proposed definition of philosophy of science from several experts who summarized in the Philosophy of Science, organized by Ismaun (2001)
Robert Ackerman "philosophy of science in one aspect as a Critique of current scientific opinions by comparison to proven past views, but Such aphilosophy of science is clearly not a discipline autonomous of actual scientific paractice." (Philosophy of science in an aspect is a critical review of scientific opinions today with a comparison against the criteria developed from such opinions, but the philosophy of science is clearly not an independent branch of science from the actual scientific practice.
Lewis White Beck "Philosophy of science questions and evaluates the methods of scientific thinking and tries to determine the value and significance of scientific enterprise as a whole. (Philosophy of science questions and evaluate the methods of scientific thinking and try to find and the importance of scientific enterprise as a whole)
A. Cornelius Benjamin "That philosopic disciplined with the which is the systematic study of the nature of science, especially of its methods, its concepts and presuppositions, and its place in the general scheme of intellectual discipines. (Branch of philosophical knowledge which is a systematic study of science, particularly his methods, concepts and prejudice-prejudice, as well as its location within the general framework of the branches of intellectual knowledge.)
Michael V. Berry "The study of the inner logic if scientific theories, and the Relations Between Experiment and theory, ie of scientific methods ". (Review of the inner logic of scientific theories and the relations between experiment and theory, which is about the scientific method.)
May Brodbeck "Philosophy of science is the ethically and philosophically neutral analysis, description, and clarifications of science." (Neutral analysis of ethical and philosophical, delineation and explanation of the foundation - the foundation of science.
Peter Caws "Philosophy of science is a part of philosophy, the which attempts to do for science what philosophy in general does for the whole of human experience. Philosophy does two Sorts of thing: on the other hand, it constructs theories about man and the universe, and offers Them as Grounds for belief and action, on the other, it critically examines everything That May be Offered as a ground for belief or action , Including its own theories, with a view to the elimination of inconsistency and error. (Philosophy of science is a part of philosophy, which attempts to do for science what philosophy generally does for the whole of human experience. Philosophy does two things: on the one hand, this construct theories about man and the universe, and serve as foundations for belief and action; on the other hand, philosophy critically examine everything that can be presented as a basis for belief or action, including his own theories, with the hope of elimination ketakajegan and error
Stephen R. Toulmin "As a discipline, the philosophy of science attempts, first, to elucidate the elements involved in the process of scientific inquiry observational procedures, patens of arguments, methods of representation and calculation, metaphysical presuppositions, and so on and then to veluate the Grounds of Their validity from the points of view of formal logic, practical methodology and Metaphysics ". (As a discipline, philosophy of science to try to first explain the elements involved in the process of scientific investigation procedures of observation, perbinacangan patterns, reimbursement methods and calculations, pre-supposition-metaphysical pre-supposition, and so on and then assess the foundations for the mistakes of the corners of a review of formal logic, practical methodology, and metaphysics).

Based on the above opinions we get a view that the philosophy of science is the study of philosophical want to answer questions about the nature of science, which in terms of ontological, nor aksiologisnya epistemelogis. In other words, the philosophy of science is a part of epistemology (philosophy of knowledge) which specifically mengakaji nature of science, such as:
What objects are reviewed science? What about the essential shape of the object? How did the relationship between objects with human comprehension that led to knowledge? (Platform ontological)
What is the process that allows drew knowledge of science? How is the procedure? What things to watch out for mendakan knowledge that true? What is the criteria? What is truth? Are there any criteria? Method / technique / tool what helps us in getting knowledge of science? (The foundation of epistemological)
To what form of knowledge that science be used? How do I use the connection between the moral rules? How is the determination of objects that can be studied based on moral choices? How the link between procedural technique which is the operationalization of the scientific method with the norms of moral / professional? (Platform axiological). (Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1982)

B. Function Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of science is a branch of philosophy. Therefore, the function of philosophy of science would not be separated from the function of philosophy as a whole, namely:
As a means of seeking the truth of all phenomena.
Maintain, support and fight or stand neutral on the other philosophical views.
Provides understanding of the way of life, outlook on life and worldview.
Providing moral and ethical teachings of the useful in life
A source of inspiration and guidance for life in various aspects of life itself, such as economics, politics, law and so forth. Excerpted from Agraha Suhandi (1989)

While Ismaun (2001) suggests the function of philosophy of science is to provide a philosophic basis for understanding the concepts and theories to share something of disciplines and provide the ability to build a scientific theory. Next is said also, that the philosophy of science grew into two functions, namely: a confirmatory theories which attempt to decrypt the normative relationship between hypotheses with evidence and theory of explanation that seeks to explain various phenomena in a simple large or small.

C. The substance of the Philosophy of Science

The study of substance Philosophy of Science, Ismaun (2001) expose it in four parts, namely a substance with respect to: (1) fact or reality, (2) truth (truth), (3) confirmation and (4) logic inference.

1.Fakta or reality

Fact or reality has a sense of a diverse, depending on the underlying philosophical viewpoint.
Positivistic view that something real if there is correspondence between the sensual sensual one with another.
Fenomenologik have two-way development of the understanding of this reality. First, it leads to the theory of correspondence is a correspondence between ideas with the phenomenon. Secondly, leading to the coherence of morality, the adjustment of the phenomena with value system.
Rationalistic regard a as a real, if there is coherence between the empirical to the rational scheme, and
Metaphysical realism, argues that the real thing when there coherence between empiri the objective.
Pragmatism have an existing view that it is functioning.

On the other hand, Lorens Good (1996) gives an account of objective facts and scientific facts. Objective facts of the event, phenomenon or part of reality which is the object of human activity or practical knowledge. While the scientific fact is a reflection of objective facts in human consciousness. The definition of reflection is a description of objective facts in a particular language. Scientific fact is the theoretical basis for the building. Without these facts the theoretical building was impossible. Scientific fact inseparable from the language expressed in the terms and collection of scientific facts to form a scientific description.

2. Truth (truth)

Indeed, there are various theories about the formulation of truth. But traditionally, we know of three theories of truth is coherence, correspondence and pragmatic (Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1982). Meanwhile, Michel William introducing five theories of truth in science, namely: the truth of coherence, correspondence truth, truth performative, pragmatic truth and the truth of the proposition. In fact, Noeng Muhadjir add one more theory that is paradigmatic truth. (Ismaun; 2001)

a. Truth coherence

Truth coherence that is the suitability or harmony between something else with something that has a hierarchy that is higher than anything these elements, either in the form of schemes, systems, or any value. This coherence can be on the order of sensual rational transcendental want anything on the plains.

b.Kebenaran correspondence

Thinking correctly korespondensial is proven something to think about it is relevant to something else. Koresponsdensi proved the existence of relevant events or counterclockwise direction in line between the facts with facts that are expected, between the facts with the belief that it is believed, that are specific

c.Kebenaran performative

When the human mind brings together everything in the view of any actual and unite behind them, both theoretical, practical, and the philosophic, one explores the truth of the actual display. Something is true if it can diaktualkan in action.

d.Kebenaran pragmatic

The truth is that concrete, the individual and specific and has a practical utility.

e.Kebenaran proposition

The proposition is a statement that contains many complex concepts, which range from a subjective to an objective individual. A truth can be obtained if the true propositions. In Aristotelian logic, a proposition is true is that if in accordance with the formal requirements of a proposition. Another opinion that is from Euclid, that proposition is true not viewed from the right formally, but viewed from the right material.

paradigmatic structural f.Kebenaran

Indeed this paradigmatic structural truth is the development of correspondence truth. Until now the regression analysis, factor analysis, and other advanced statistical analysis are interpreted in correspondence with each other element. And should the overall structural system that relationship is understood, because it will be able to give explanation or inference that is more comprehensive.


The function of science is to explain, predict processes and products to come, or give meaning. Meaning it can be viewed as absolute confirmation or probalistik. Showing absolute confirmation usually use assumptions, postulates, or axioma which has been ascertained properly. But it is not wrong when making explicit the assumptions and postulatnya. Meanwhile, to make explanations, predictions, or purport to pursue probabilistic certainty can be reached by inductive, deductive, or reflective.

4.Logika inference

Logic inference that long until the quarter-final influential twentieth century is the logic of mathematics, a master of positivism. Positivistic view of truth is correspondence between the facts. Phenomenology Russell showing correspondence between trusted with facts. Belief in Russell does contain a moral, but still be specific, yet there is a clear moral scheme, not the general conclusion that the research is a case of inference or conclusion ideographic.

Post-positivistic and rationalistic view of truth coherent between rational, coherent scheme, the ratio between facts, phenomena Bogdan and Guba show coherence between facts with the truth of the moral scheme. Popper's metaphysical realism featuring universal rational truth paradigmatic structural and Noeng Muhadjir introduce metaphysical realism by displaying the structural kebenaranan transensden paradigmatic moral. (Ismaun, 200:9)

On the other hand, Jujun Suriasumantri (1982:46-49) explains that the new conclusion is considered valid if the conclusion was made by a certain way, which is based on logic. By and large, the logic is divided into 2 parts, the logic of induction and deduction logic.

D. Variety of shades and Philosophy of Science

Ismaun (2001:1) reveals several shades range of philosophy of science, including:
Philosophy of social sciences that developed in three varieties, namely: (1) meta-ideology, (2) meta-physical and (3) methodological disciplines.
Philosophy of technology shifts from CE (conditions-Ends) become means. Technology is no longer seen as ends, but rather as an extension of human ideas.
Philosophy of art / aesthetics latest product placed art or beauty as one of the tri-partit, namely cultural, cognitive domain product and the product of practical reason.

Purely cognitive domain products appear to meet criteria: real, true, and logical. When ethics are included, it is necessary coupled with a coherent moral. Product practical reasons appear to meet criteria for Operations, efficient and productive. If ethics should be augmented human.manusiawi included, do not exploit other people, or more extended again to not damage the environment.


Achmad Sanusi,. (1998), philosophy Science, Scientific Theory and Method: The Pearl-Picking and Concocting scattered pearls, paper, London: PPS-IKIP Bandung.

Achmad Sanusi, (1999), Turning Point Paradigm Discourse Studies: Implications for Education, Paper, Jakarta: High MajelisPendidikan Muhammadiyah.

Agraha Suhandi, Drs., SHM., (1992), Philosophy As Art for the Asking, (college textbooks), Bandung: Bandung, Padjadjaran University Faculty of Literature.


Ismaun, (2001), Philosophy of Science, (college textbooks), Bandung: UPI Bandung.

Jujun S. Suriasumantri, (1982), philosophy Science: An Introduction to Popular, Jakarta: Sinar Harapan.

Mantiq, .

Moh. Nazir, (1983), Research Methods, Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia

Imaduddin Mohammed Abdulrahim, (1988), Lecture Tawhid, Bandung: Yayasan Pembina Sari Insanity (Yaasin)

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